
Functioning of the community budget

The buy and sell tax generation initiates when participants engage in transactions. These transactions trigger smart contracts, automatically executing the 1.95% tax rate. The collected taxes are then split in 4 different wallets; community fund, reinvestment, reserve, and community rewards. The community fund can be consulted in real time on the website or on the blockchain.

Revenue Streams

The 1.95% buy and sell tax generated on the trading pair compounds over a 45-day period until the voting cycle concludes.

Community budget = Daily volume x Tax Rate x 45 Days x 0.5

For instance, if the daily tax is calculated on a $50,000 volume, it would be $975 (1.95% of $50,000) daily added to revenues. Over 45 days, the revenue compounds (in this example to $43.875,00), resulting in a progressively growing revenue steam. After the revenue split, in this example, $21.937,5 are going into the community budget. Once the voting period concluded, the amount generated over the 45-Day period is locked, letting place to a new cycle.

Revenue Allocation

The 1.95% buy and sell tax in Daosis is sustaining the ecosystem's growth and used to reward community engagement.

50% contributes to the community budget, enabling decentralized decision-making and funding various initiatives proposed by the community.

9% is allocated for reinvestment, facilitating the strategic purchase of tokens on the open market. Ensuring market liquidity, fortifying the ecosystem’s financial position and to ensure that the community budget evolves in tandem with individual interests. The tokens that are bought on the open market are then added to community rewards.

36% is dedicated to community rewards, fostering loyalty and incentivizing long-term participation.

5% is reserved, providing a financial cushion for unforeseen circumstances

Last updated